Kim's Krypt Haunted Mill 2015 Review

The Haunt Review Crew paid a visit to Kim’s Krypt Haunted Mill in Spring Grove, PA.  We wanted to see what had changed since Kim purchased it two years ago & we were pleasantly surprised! The last time we visited, the mill was in a bad state of disrepair as Mr Sterner had passed away earlier that year. It felt like the heart of the mill died with him. (We in the haunt industry miss you Mr. Sterner!)

In 2014 Kim purchased the mill & worked hard to bring it back to life & SHE DID! We noticed the fresh paint & some new sets were built. Many signature pieces that Tim Sterner built were left in place and touched up a bit. The mill now has the “Kim’s Krypt” feel with a mix of the old school farm haunt. I wondered if it would still have some of the old school props left & they are still there working even better than before. Each attraction is full sized, not a bunch a mini attractions.

As we went through each attraction we were met with creeps in places that were unexpected. Creeps seemed to be hanging from the ceiling, crawling on the floors\ground & running behind us. There are a few places that did need an actor or two. As this is Kim’s second year, I am sure these issues will be addressed.  The walk through the woods is SO MUCH better than the last time we saw it. The path is dark and creepy with plenty of places for the ghouls to get you!  We found ourselves freaked out because we were hearing scary sounds in the woods but, could not see anything.  Two of the attractions are inside. These have so many hidden pathways for the ghouls to run through. This creates a crazy experience for the patrons as you never where they will pop out from. It gave us the feeling of being stalked.

The HRC is happy to say the Queen of Halloween has blessed the mill with her over 20 years of haunt experience. We notice a few small places that need improvement BUT…..The overall experience was just great!  If you a fan of farm type haunts, please pay them a visit. Tell them we sent you.


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